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A Speech Analysis Smartphone App can Detect Heart Failure Events
HearO speech analysis system can detect impending heart failure events in ambulatory patients with congestive HF 3 weeks ahead of time. It includes a smartphone app which asks the patient each day to speak 5 preset sentences. From there, it is uploaded into a cloud-based system where the speech analysis occurs. It detect changes in lung fluid content or pulmonary congestion indicative of HF.
HbA1c <7% is Recommended to Prevent Retinopathy, Nephropathy in Patients With T1D
447 people with T1D younger than 35 years were followed for 32 years. Proliferative diabetic retinopathy and macroalbuminuria prevalence increased as HbA1c increased to more than 9.5%. Those with near normal HbA1c did not have retinopathy or macroalbuminuria. The study highlights the importance of maintaining HbA1c lower than 7% to avoid complications for people with T1D.
Nifedipine Can Prevent Severe Hypertension In Pregnant Women With Preeclampsia
A new study found that initiation of 30-mg extended-release nifedipine is effective in reducing intrapartum acute hypertensive therapy in women with preeclampsia with severe features undergoing labor induction between 22 and 41 weeks gestation. Cesarean delivery and neonatal intensive care unit admission rate were lower in nifedipine group compared with placebo.
Enterovirus Infection is Linked to Type 1 Diabetes
A meta-analysis found that enterovirus infection is associated with type 1 diabetes and islet autoimmunity. The virus may affect the functions of the host cell, inducing β cell death, decreasing insulin mRNA expression and insulin secretion, and disrupting the Golgi apparatus. The study provide a scientific basis for the possible prevention of T1D through vaccines and other means.
Certain Dairy Products are Associated With Reduced Risk of Type 2 Diabetes
A study presented at the annual meeting of EASD conference in Sep. revealed that dairy foods might offer protection against T2D or have no effect on its onset. Consumption of 200 g of milk lowered T2D risk by 10%, and 100 g yogurt correlated with a 6% risk reduction. However, cheese and full-fat dairy had no effect on T2D risk. The quality of the evidence was low to moderate, though.
Drinking 4 Cups of Tea Reduces the Risk of Diabetes
A recent study showed that drinking at least 4 cups of black, green or Oolong tea daily reduced the risk of developing T2D by 17% over the period of 10 years. Other studies found that drinking tea also lowered the risk of heart disease, stroke, and overall mortality. Antioxidants in tea could reduce inflammation and oxidative stress which protect cells from damage, warding off disease.
Long-standing Type 1 Diabetes May Alter the Gut Microbiome Composition
Research published in the Diabetes Journal found that the gut microbiome is altered in people with (long-standing) type 1 diabetes, while diversity is not affected. Around 43 bacterial taxa were significantly depleted in participants with T1D, whereas 37 bacterial species were enriched. Changes in the gut microbiome are associated with glycemic control and disease-related complications.
Oestrogen-Containing Contraceptives May Increase Risk of Blood Clots in Obese Women
A review paper published in ESC journal showed that use of oral contraceptives containing oestrogen and progestin increases risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE) by 24 times in obese women compared to normal weight women not using the drugs. Progestin-only products, including pills, intrauterine devices, or implants are a safer alternative to the combined pill in overweight/obesity women.
Artificial Intelligence Model That Can Predict Pre-diabetes Risk Via Facial Blood Flow Patterns
NuraLogix has developed new AI models that can predict pre-diabetes risk.The machine learning-based model was trained using the facial blood flow patterns of participants who had recently undergone a blood test for fasting blood glucose and HbA1C. In future, this touchless model will allow people to screen themselves using any device with a camera setting, including a smartphone or tablet.
Angiotensin Receptor Blockers Reduces the Progression From Mild Cognitive Impairment to Dementia
A retrospective cohort study among 403 patients with hypertension and mild cognitive impairment found that angiotensin receptor blockers were associated with a lower risk of progression to dementia compared to ACE inhibitors and other classes of AHMs (beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers, diuretics). However, further investigations in larger prospective cohorts or clinical trials are required.
Combination Therapy May Delay Need for Aortic Root Surgery
Most patients with Marfan syndrome experience aortic root enlargement which is treated via surgery. But a study revealed that ARBs and beta-blockers have similar and independent effects on reducing the aortic root Z score. If maintained over a period of several years, the drug combination would be expected to delay the need for elective aortic root surgery in patients with Marfan syndrome.
Does Allopurinol Improve Cardiovascular Outcomes in Ischaemic Heart Disease Patients?
Allopurinol is a xanthine oxidase inhibitor used to treat patients with gout. Previous studies have shown that the drug also has cardiovascular benefits. But the ALL-HEART study has shown that allopurinol doesn't improve cardiovascular outcomes such as nonfatal MI, nonfatal stroke, cardiovascular death, all-cause mortality, and hospitalisations in patients with ischaemic heart disease.
Can Cardiac Extracellular Vesicles Secreted by Diseased Hearts Promote Tumour Growth?
A study presented by MD Tal Caller at ESC 22 suggested a mechanistic link between heart disease and tumour growth, which is mediated by cardiac extracellular vesicles (EVs). Cardiac mesenchymal stromal cells from infarcted and failing hearts secrete EVs that can target tumour cells and accelerate their growth. EVs could be possible therapeutic targets in patients with concomitant CVD and cancer.
Statin Use in Low- and Middle-income Countries to Prevent Cardiovascular Disease
A study analysed data of 116449 non-pregnant individuals in 41 low and middle-income countries. It was found that statin has been used by 1 in 10 eligible people for the primary prevention of cardiovascular diseases and 1 in 5 people for secondary prevention. This highlights an urgent need to increase statin use in LMICs. WHO recommends that at least 50% of eligible people receive statin therapy.
World’s First Partial Heart Transplant Performed in an Infant
A child was born at Duke with truncus arteriosus, in which 2 main heart arteries were fused together. His one vessel had a leaky valve, making it less likely he could survive until a full heart transplant. So the doctors implanted the living arteries & valves from a donor heart into the patient’s existing heart. Valves will grow with the patient, reducing the need for multiple surgeries.
Could Oral Semaglutide Be a Magic Bullet for Type 2 Diabetes?
Oral semaglutide, which was approved in the US in Sep 2019, has emerged as a promising therapeutic option for patients with Type 2 Diabetes. In PIONEER trial, oral semaglutide 14 mg lowered HbA1c more than placebo, empagliflozin, sitagliptin, liraglutide, and dulaglutide. The oral semaglutide group lost considerably more weight than the placebo, sitagliptin, and liraglutide groups.